Font Smoother

Test if font smoothing is on.

Here is a picture showing the difference Smoothing is on the top.
You can check to see if your font smoothing is on by going to the LUO and clicking on the font smoother tab.
Special Notes: (Not every font will respond to the font smoother) Before adding text to a project turn your font smoothing on. This is a great little tool! (get rid of all those jagged edges on your fonts).
You can improve the text quality of your projects also by using the font smoother.
If you have WIN95 you can download the font smoother from the following link.
(If this link is broken let me know)
You can also follow some of the links from the above and get some free fonts.
NOTE: Do not use the above link if you have WIN98 use the one from your WIN98 CD these are different.
If you have WIN98 right click the desktop next choose Properties then click the effects tab then make sure the Smooth edges of screen fonts is checked. (NOTE: you must have Plus! 98 installed this is also on your Win98 CD)